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How To Speed Up Your WooCommerce Store (10+ Techniques)

Last updated on Jun 12th, 2024 | 7 min

TL;DR: Reducing image file size without compromising quality, implementing caching and content delivery networks (CDN) to minimize page load times, and optimizing CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files for efficiency is your blueprint to achieving a fast-loading WooCommerce store. 

If your WooCommerce store generates $1,000 a day, a mere 0.1s delay could lead to an 8.4% loss in conversions, which in turn will result in $36,660 of lost revenue each year. 

$36,600. Gone. 

Furthermore, slow load times can affect a website in other vital ways, such as decreased search engine visibility and poor user experience. 

Simply put, your store’s load times directly influence what Google and prospects think about your business. 

However, just because your store is slow now, it doesn’t have to be that way forever. As we’ll cover in this article, there are several easy ways to speed up your slow WooCommerce store, which can be implemented quickly with the right tools.

Read on. 

Why is Speed Critical for Your WooCommerce Store?

Simply put, the faster your site loads, the more money you make from your WooCommerce store. 

The reason is quite straightforward: 

Users prefer browsing snappy websites that get the job done in a matter of seconds. 

In fact, according to Deloitte’s research:

“61% of customers would stop buy from a company if their competitor provide better user experience.”

As harsh as it may sound, it’s no longer a matter of lower prices. Everything is a click away, and today’s users are willing to pay more if they can get the product sooner. 

But beyond a higher conversion rate, there are more reasons why speed is crucial to business success.

Lower Bounce Rates and Higher Engagement Rates

When your site loads fast, clients are less likely to become angry and leave to look for a better alternative. 

Moreover, when the pages load fast, customers tend to be more satisfied with the user experience and spend more time on your website, thus viewing more of your products.

Ultimately, improving your site speed will translate directly into increased engagement and higher conversion rates. This will equate to a better success rate for your WooCommerce store.

Better Search Ranking and Lower Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

While helpful content is the king when it comes to Google building the results page, the main differentiating factor between equally valuable websites is how they perform. 

Google highly values sites that provide seamless user experience, and Core Web Vitals proves it. 

When it comes to Search Engine Advertising (SEA), better performance inevitably leads to a higher quality score on the ad's page, thus lowering the cost per click.

Also, better Core Web Vitals have been linked to improved SEA results. One of Lever Interactive's clients increased its Quality Score, leading to -17% CPC and -31% CPA, which also meant a 20% increase in conversion rates on faster landing pages.

How to Measure Your WooCommerce Store's Speed

By consistently monitoring your site’s speed, you can proactively identify performance bottlenecks, address issues, and make informed decisions to enhance your store’s efficiency and reliability.

One of the most popular tools for measuring website speed is Google's PageSpeed Insights (PSI). PSI provides a comprehensive analysis of your site's performance, including both lab and field assessments. 

Lab data is collected in a controlled environment and is useful for debugging performance issues, while field data reflects the real-world user experience. 

That said, Focusing on the Core Web Vitals assessment is essential, considering it’s based on field data and how real-world visitors experience your site’s loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. 

PageSpeed Insights Core Web Vitals report

On the contrary, PSI’s Performance score is mainly used for debugging purposes since it’s based on lab data. 

PageSpeed Insights Performance score

In addition to PageSpeed Insights, there are other valuable tools for measuring your WooCommerce store’s speed. 

GTMetrix offers detailed reports and insights, combining data from Google and other sources to provide a thorough performance analysis. 


Pingdom is another excellent alternative, known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive performance metrics. 


Using a combination of these tools can give you a well-rounded understanding of your site's speed and help you identify areas for improvement to ensure a fast and efficient WooCommerce store.

What Is The Optimal Load Time?

Defining “optimal” load time is hard, but anything below 3 seconds should keep your visitors happy. 

You may ask:

Why 3 and not 5 seconds?

We conducted research, monitoring 245,433 unique site visits across different eCommerce websites, and came to the following conclusions:

  1. Users who experienced a load time of 3 seconds or less visited 60% more pages.
  2. 50% more visitors drop off when a page loads in 3 seconds in comparison with a 2-second page load time.
  3. Visitors lose patience and disproportionally start to abandon a web page at 2.75s of the page load.

Page Load time statistics

Now, let’s see how you can drop your load times to under 3s…

12 Tips to Speed Up Your WooCommerce Store

1. Choose a Quality Hosting Provider

Choosing a quality hosting provider is one of the most crucial steps in optimizing the speed of your WooCommerce store. The hosting provider forms the foundation of your website’s performance, security, and reliability. 

A high-quality hosting service ensures that your website has the necessary resources to handle traffic spikes, maintain fast loading times, and provide a seamless user experience. 

Conversely, poor hosting can lead to slow load times, frequent downtime, and generally sluggish performance, which can frustrate customers and raise bounce rates.

Moreover, a reputable hosting provider will offer enhanced security features, regular backups, and technical support to keep your store running smoothly. Security is essential for e-commerce sites, where sensitive customer data is processed regularly. Quality hosts often provide features like SSL certificates, firewalls, and DDoS protection, which are critical in safeguarding your site against cyber threats. 

Additionally, having access to reliable customer support can be a lifesaver when technical issues arise, ensuring minimal downtime and quick resolutions to any problems that could affect your store's performance and revenue.

2. Image Optimization

Images have a significant impact on site speed.

If the images on your site are too big, both in terms of file size and dimensions, or they’re not saved in the most efficient format, there’s a high chance they’re negatively affecting load times. This can be an even bigger issue for WooCommerce stores as they tend to have many product images.

Fixing these problems is known as image optimization, and thankfully, there are several ways you can do this without having to edit each image individually.

1.  Image Compression
As part of the image optimization process, your photos and other images must be compressed in a way that reduces their file size without noticeably decreasing their quality. While you want them to load quickly, you still want them to look good. Part of this process also involves choosing the most appropriate file formats, such as WebP.

2. Adaptive Image Sizing
Another way that image optimization can deliver faster loading times and a better user experience at your store is by enabling adaptive image sizing. This technique ensures that the images are displayed at the right size for each visitor's browser and device. You can also deploy preemptive image sizing to speed up rendering when missing width and height attributes.

3. Image Lazy Loading
Enabling lazy loading is another way to optimize images. When deployed, images on a page aren’t loaded until they’re needed. For example, images below the fold aren’t loaded until just before a visitor scrolls down to that part of the page. The main benefit of this is that the initial page load time is reduced as there’s less content to display. You can find out more about this in our in-depth guide to image lazy loading.

Optimizing your images and how they’re handled at your WooCommerce store is sure to have a positive impact on site speed. If you’re looking for a tool that can do all of the above and more regarding image optimization, NitroPack has a comprehensive set of relevant features.

3. Caching and Content Delivery Networks (CDN)

WordPress and WooCommerce are excellent tools for building websites and managing eCommerce stores. However, WordPress dynamically generates your pages each time a visitor accesses them, pulling content from your WordPress database and other sources. While this ensures that your visitors always see the latest version of your content, it can take time for all those elements to load.

A good caching tool will create static versions of your pages so that they load as quickly as possible. It will also keep the cached or static versions of your content up to date to ensure that your visitors still see the latest versions of your pages.

While most WordPress caching plugins will work with sites using WooCommerce, WooCommerce stores have different caching requirements for regular WordPress websites. Some examples include ensuring your website's product pages and transactional areas, such as the shopping cart and checkout pages, aren’t cached and remain dynamic rather than static.

If they fail to do this, out-of-date stock level information might be displayed. Even worse, orders might not be processed.

As these are big issues for an eCommerce store, you must choose a caching solution that’s fully optimized for WooCommerce. This will ensure your site loads quickly but doesn’t cause problems for its eCommerce aspects.

The two main options for implementing caching are installing a suitable plugin and using the caching features of your host (if it has any). Premium WordPress hosts tend to have their own caching features. However, as WooCommerce has different caching requirements from regular WordPress websites, you’ll probably need to install an additional tool to implement eCommerce-friendly caching at your store. 

NitroPack is one such tool. It’s highly WooCommerce-friendly and can be used with some of the best WordPress hosts, including Kinsta, Pagely, and SiteGround, to speed up your slow WooCommerce store. It also has Woo-specific features like the Cart Cache feature, which enables fast browsing in a WooCommerce store with items in the cart or wishlist.

Unlike most other caching tools, NitroPack has a built-in content delivery network (CDN) powered by Cloudflare. Enabling this feature will distribute copies of your website files to multiple server locations worldwide. Regardless of where your customers are based, they won’t have to wait as long for your website to load.

CDN impact on performance

4. CSS Optimization

WordPress websites and WooCommerce stores use CSS to handle formatting and presentation. However, if the CSS itself and the files that it contains aren’t optimized, then they could take longer than necessary to load and slow down your eCommerce store. The way the files are loaded can also hurt site speed.

The right tool can fix many of the issues related to CSS optimization that could be slowing down your store. For example, NitroPack can reduce unused CSS to speed up your store. It can also eliminate render-blocking resources, such as CSS to improve load times as well as use minification and compression to reduce the size of CSS files. It also automatically grabs the CSS needed to visualize above-the-fold content and inlines it.

5. HTML Optimization

While CSS handles web page presentation, HTML handles page content and describes its structure.

However, although HTML and CSS are different, similar optimization issues can occur with them. Some examples include bloated files and page elements not loading in the optimal order.

Thankfully, optimization tools like NitroPack can overcome these issues by using minification to strip away dispensable parts from HTML files, such as comments, line breaks, and whitespace. NitroPack is also one of the easiest ways to implement automatic HTML file compression. Both of these approaches reduce the size of HTML files, helping them—and your store—load faster.

6. JavaScript Optimization

Optimizing the JavaScript (JS) files used by your WooCommerce store is another way to speed up load times. Again, NitroPack can take care of this for you, with very little input required on your part.

Once enabled on your site, NitroPack will intelligently combine JS files for quicker delivery, minify code to reduce file sizes, and compress those files to take even less time to load. NitroPack will also prioritize the most important scripts, making your content accessible sooner for visitors with slower devices and internet connections. You can easily configure this optimization feature by controlling which scripts are delayed or just letting NitroPack handle this for you.

7. Minimize HTTP Requests

Each time a user visits your site, their browser sends HTTP requests to the server to load various elements like stylesheets, images, and scripts. The more requests made, the longer it takes to load the page, leading to slower performance and a poorer user experience.

By reducing the number of HTTP requests, you can significantly speed up your site. This can be achieved by combining multiple CSS and JavaScript files into one, optimizing images, and removing unnecessary plugins and scripts. 

Fewer HTTP requests mean the server can respond faster, leading to quicker page load times, enhanced user experience, and better overall performance.

8. Enable GZIP Compression

GZIP compression reduces your website’s files before they are sent from the server to the user's browser. This process significantly reduces the size of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other text-based files, resulting in faster download times and reduced bandwidth usage. 

When a user visits your store, their browser quickly decompresses the files, allowing for a more rapid and efficient page load. This improvement in speed can enhance the overall user experience, encouraging visitors to stay longer and engage more with your products.

Implementing GZIP compression is relatively straightforward and can have a profound impact on your website's performance. Most modern web servers, such as Apache and Nginx, support compression and can be configured with minimal effort. In fact, your WooCommerce hosting provider can set it up for you.

Furthermore, you can install NitroPack and get your files compressed automatically.

9. Evaluate plugins and remove unused ones

Plugins can significantly enhance your shop's functionality, offering valuable features and tools. However, it is crucial to remain vigilant, as some plugins can introduce various issues. 

Firstly, each additional plugin increases the potential for security vulnerabilities, as poorly coded or outdated plugins may expose your site to attacks. 

Secondly, installing an excessive number of plugins can lead to conflict between plugins, resulting in: 

  • Technical errors
  • Compatibility issues
  • Downtime
  • Malfunctions
  • Slower load times 

Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the necessity of each plugin and remove those that provide little value or are no longer used. This selective approach will help you avoid these risks, ensuring a smoother, more secure, and faster browsing experience for your visitors.

10. Optimize Database Performance

Your WordPress database holds all your website's data, including posts, pages, comments, media files, and user information. As your website expands, the database can become cluttered with unnecessary data, which can:

  • Lead to slower page load times
  • Consume more server resources
  • Slow down backups and maintenance tasks
  • Affect caching efficiency
  • Degrade search functionality

Keeping your WordPress database clean is crucial not only for enhancing website speed and performance but also for:

  • Improved website security
  • More efficient backup and recovery
  • Reduced disk space usage
  • Less strain on your servers

Here are eight techniques you can implement:

  1. Optimize database tables
  2. Delete unused data
  3. Remove spam comments
  4. Remove unapproved comments
  5. Remove post revisions
  6. Remove old shortcodes
  7. Remove pingbacks and trackbacks
  8. Remove transients

11. Switch to a Lightweight Theme

Lightweight themes are designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind, minimizing the use of heavy code, large images, and unnecessary features that can slow down your website. 

By opting for a lightweight theme, you reduce the amount of data that needs to be loaded when a user visits your site, leading to faster load times and a smoother browsing experience. This can significantly enhance the user experience, making it more likely that visitors will stay longer, explore more products, and complete purchases.

Moreover, lightweight themes are often better optimized for mobile devices, ensuring that your store performs well across all platforms. With the increasing number of users shopping on mobile devices, having a fast, responsive site is more important than ever. 

Here are a couple of the fastest WooCommerce themes you can try:

  • Astra
  • GeneratePress
  • OceanWP


12. Enable Lazy Loading

Lazy loading delays the loading of images and other non-critical elements until they are actually needed, meaning they load only when they appear in the user’s viewport. 

This approach reduces the initial load time of your pages, allowing users to access your content more quickly. This not only speeds up the user experience but also decreases the bandwidth usage and server load. 

Consequently, your website can handle more concurrent users without compromising on performance, which is especially important during high-traffic periods such as sales events or holidays.

Implementing lazy loading, you will immediately see an improvement in metrics like:

To enable lazy loading on your site, you can either:

  1. Install plugin like NitroPack that will do it automatically for you
  2. Rely on WordPress’s built-in lazy loading feature (but it applies to images only)
  3. Do it manually

Speed Up Your WooCommerce Store Automatically With NitroPack

As you can see, there’s a lot you can do to easily speed up your WooCommerce store. And the truth is you can either do it yourself or hire a web performance expert.

The former requires technical skills, the latter – financial resources. 


There’s a third way.

An automatic and hassle-free way.

It’s called NitroPack.

NitroPack is an all-in-one web performance optimization plugin that has 60+ optimization features built in.

Yes, 60+. 

It requires zero technical skills. All you have to do is install the plugin and connect your websites. 

From there, our service takes care of your site’s performance, automatically applying optimizations like:

  • Caching
  • Image optimization
  • Critical CSS
  • Code compression & minification
  • Font subsetting
  • Lazy loading
  • Reduce unused CSS

And more. 

Beyond that, NitroPack is 100% risk-free.


Well, NitroPack:

  1. works on copies of your site’s original files
  2. includes a Test mode so you can experience it for yourself before enabling it on your website
  3. offers a Free subscription

Simply put, there’s literally nothing to lose and a lot to gain.

Speed up your WooCommerce store with a click of a button. Install NitroPack for FREE →

Niko Kaleev
Web Performance Geek

Niko has 5+ years of experience turning those “it’s too technical for me” topics into “I can’t believe I get it” content pieces. He specializes in dissecting nuanced topics like Core Web Vitals, web performance metrics, and site speed optimization techniques. When he’s taking a breather from researching his next content piece, you’ll find him deep into the latest performance news.