How to Choose a Web Hosting Provider for a Fast Website

Last updated on Jun 5th, 2024 | 5 min

TL;DR: When choosing the right hosting provider, consider server infrastructure, server location, uptime guarantees, and scalability. Also, modern server technology, proximity to your audience, reliable uptime, and the ability to scale resources as needed are fundamental for ensuring your website remains fast and responsive. Cloud hosting, among all options, is highlighted for its scalability, security, and cost efficiency, offering a comprehensive solution for businesses aiming for growth and high performance.

Should I go with the cheaper hosting service and cut some costs?


Should I rely on a well-known managed hosting provider?

It’s a debate that every soon-to-be site owner has with themselves.

And while you might want this article to simply give you the answer, we all know it’s not that simple when it comes to spending money on a service. 

Instead, the following lines will help you understand what you need to look for in a hosting provider to guarantee yourself a trouble-free and high-performing future for your website and business.

Read on.

What to Look For in a Hosting Provider to Set Your Site for Performance Success

In the initial phases of launching a website, it's tempting to prioritize budget and opt for the most cost-effective web hosting solution available. 

After all, saving on operational costs is a prudent business move, isn't it? 

Well, not always, especially when it comes to web hosting – a foundational element that propels your site's performance and user experience.

Choosing a budget-friendly hosting provider might seem like a savvy move in the short term, offering you immediate savings and a quick setup. However, this initial cost-cutting can cascade into performance issues as your website grows and traffic increases. 

That’s why, beyond the price of the service, you need to pay special attention to the four pillars of good hosting:

1. Server Infrastructure

Modern server technology stands as a pivotal element in ensuring your website doesn’t just operate but operates at peak performance. 

Unlike traditional servers, which might restrict your website’s potential with limited resources and outdated technology, modern server infrastructures are designed to embrace the demands of contemporary web usage and expectations.

Here’s how advanced server technology steers your website towards the fast lane:

  • Speed and Reliability: With innovations like solid-state drives (SSDs), modern servers provide faster data retrieval and storage capabilities.
  • Advanced Caching Mechanisms: Something that NitroPack offers as well, modern servers leverage advanced caching mechanisms to store and swiftly deliver frequently used data.
  • Integration with Modern Web Technologies: Compatibility and support for the latest web technologies and platforms ensure your website benefits from the latest features, functionalities, and performance enhancements available in the digital space.


Server Location

This might surprise you, but even in the virtual world, distance matters.

That’s why the physical distance between your server and your site visitor significantly impacts latency and, subsequently, your site's load time.

Latency refers to the delay incurred during the communication of data between the visitor's browser and your server. When a user in Sydney accesses a website hosted on a server in New York, the data embarks on a transcontinental journey, bouncing through various nodes and networks. 


Although measured in milliseconds, this journey can create perceptible delays, leading to a potentially sluggish user experience.

That’s where Content Delivery Network (CDN) comes into play, distributing your site’s data across a global network of servers.

And here’s why you need to look for a hosting provide that includes CDN in their plans:

  • Proximity Perks: By hosting your site on a server geographically closer to your target audience, you essentially minimize the data travel distance, reducing latency and enhancing load times.
  • SEO and Visibility: Search engines, with their user-centric approach, reward low-latency, high-performance websites with better visibility and higher rankings, amplifying your reach and attractiveness in specific geographical markets.
  • Business Continuity: Strategically dispersed server locations or employing a CDN enhances resilience, ensuring that local outages or issues don’t result in global accessibility problems.


With CDN


99.9% Uptime Guarantee

Choosing a hosting provider with a robust uptime guarantee isn’t just a technical choice—it's a strategic decision affecting your digital reputation and operational consistency.

Here’s why:

  • Revenue Protection: Especially for e-commerce platforms, uptime is directly tied to revenue. Even brief periods of downtime can translate to tangible financial losses.
  • Brand Image: In an era where instant gratification is the norm, a consistently available website fortifies your brand image, communicating reliability and steadiness to your audience.
  • Customer Retention: The frustration stemming from an inaccessible website can quickly drive customers toward competitors. Ensuring uptime is pivotal to retaining your customer base.



Have you heard the quote:

“Proper preparation prevents poor performance.”

In the context of choosing your hosting provider, that means:

Future-proofing your website’s performance success does not end with choosing your hosting plan. Your site and business will grow with time, hence, you will generate more traffic. 

In other words, you need to think two steps ahead, selecting a provider that can offer seamless scalability.

Scalability is critical in maintaining and enhancing your website's performance, particularly as the site grows and user demand fluctuates. 

Here's how scalable options benefit web performance:

  • Handling Traffic Surges: Whether due to seasonal spikes, promotional events, or viral content, traffic can unexpectedly skyrocket. Scalable hosting allows your infrastructure to accommodate these surges, preventing server crashes and slow loading times, which could otherwise frustrate users and harm your brand's reputation.
  • Improved User Experience: By allocating more resources (like bandwidth and processing power) as needed, scalable hosting ensures visitors experience minimal latency and fast page loading times. This consistency in performance is crucial for keeping users engaged and reducing bounce rates.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Scalable options allow you to pay for only the resources you use. Instead of purchasing extensive resources to handle hypothetical maximum loads, you can start smaller and scale up as needed. This flexibility is especially beneficial for businesses with fluctuating needs.
  • Preparedness for Growth: Scalability ensures your hosting setup grows seamlessly with you. You won't have to undergo potentially complicated migrations or risk performance dips because you've outgrown your original setup.


Why More and More Companies Go with Cloud Hosting

Transitioning from traditional hosting setups to the dynamic realm of cloud hosting, more and more businesses are shifting not out of whim but out of necessity. 

Cloud hosting is a type of web hosting that uses multiple servers to balance the load and maximize uptime. Instead of using a single server, your website can tap into a “cluster” that utilizes resources from a centralized pool. This means your website isn’t reliant on just one server and can maintain operation through others if one goes down or experiences issues.

Cloud hosting isn't just a fleeting trend; it’s rapidly becoming the benchmark for web hosting. In fact, according to Hashicorp, 90% of large enterprises have adopted a multi-cloud infrastructure.


Because cloud hosting comprehensively addresses the four pillars of good hosting: server infrastructure, server location, uptime, and scalability. 

When companies invest in cloud hosting, they aren't just selecting a hosting option but choosing a holistic solution that offers the full package. This paradigm shift ensures that their websites are well-supported and primed for future growth and challenges.

How so? 

Well, here’s what a cloud hosting could offer:

  1. Unmatched Scalability: With traditional hosting, your site's resources are tied to a specific server's limitations. Cloud hosting, on the other hand, allows you to scale resources up or down seamlessly, ensuring your site can handle unexpected traffic surges without crashing.
  2. Robust Security Measures: Cloud hosting offers enhanced security features that are often more advanced than traditional hosting services. By distributing the server data across redundant servers, information hosted in the cloud is safeguarded against hardware failure.
  3. Cost Efficiency: Pay-as-you-go models are standard in cloud hosting, meaning you only pay for the resources your site consumes. This approach is particularly cost-effective for businesses with varying website loads, as they don’t need to over-invest in unused bandwidth or storage.
  4. High Performance and Speed: Cloud hosting platforms can allocate resources instantly, preventing slow-down times and enhancing overall performance. With the data distributed across several servers, load times speed up significantly.
  5. Reliability and Uptime: Cloud hosting mitigates the risks associated with server malfunction. If one server encounters an issue, the workload is shifted to other servers in the network, which results in minimal downtime and maintains the continuity of your online operations.
  6. Future-Proofing Your Business: The virtual nature of cloud hosting means you’re not tied down to the physical constraints of one server. As technology evolves or your business needs change, you can quickly adapt without extensive migrations or system overhauls, thereby future-proofing your website.

Top 6 Web Hosting Providers for a Fast Website in 2024

1. Cloudways

Cloudways home page

Cloudways stands out in the hosting space with its balance of simplicity and power, catering to businesses looking to harness cloud hosting without the technical complexities.

By offering managed cloud hosting, they take care of the server-side complexities so you can focus on growing your business. With pay-as-you-go plans, 24/7 expert support, and an easy-to-use platform, Cloudways is ideal for those seeking a hassle-free, scalable hosting solution.

Why choose Cloudways:

  • Pay-as-you-go plans
  • 24/7 expert support
  • Free migration
  • Edge page caching
  • Enterprise DDoS mitigation
  • Cloudflare’s Image & Mobile Optimization included
  • AI-based smart assistant
  • SafeUpdates – automatic WP updates
  • Autoscale – automatic hosting scale
  • Unlimited Application Installation
  • Team Management
  • Cloudways Thunderstack (incl. Redis, NGINX, Apache, Varnish Cache, and others)
  • 99% uptime guarantee


2. WP Engine

WP Engine

WP Engine is a leading managed WordPress hosting provider. They offer specialized WordPress hosting solutions that emphasize speed, security, and scalability. With a suite of performance-enhancing tools and expert support, WP Engine is renowned for providing a streamlined and robust platform for WordPress websites, catering to both individual bloggers and large businesses.

Why choose WP Engine:

  • World-class infrastructure
  • Global CDN
  • Page Speed Boost tool
  • EverCache caching solution
  • DDoS protection
  • Automated updates
  • 24/ Support


3. Bluehost

Bluehost home page

Bluehost is renowned for its comprehensive hosting solutions, robust security features, and great customer service, making it particularly attractive to WordPress users.

As an official WordPress-recommended hosting provider, Bluehost offers a free domain name for the first year, 24/7 support, and a 30-day money-back guarantee. 

Why choose Bluehost:

  • Free Domain 1st Year
  • Free SSL
  • Fully customizable themes
  • Daily Website Backup
  • WordPress Automated Updates
  • Malware scanning


4. DreamHost

DreamHost home page

DreamHost offers a wide range of hosting services, emphasizing transparency with its strong commitment to privacy. With features like a custom control panel, unlimited traffic & storage, fast SSD storage, and a 100% uptime guarantee, DreamHost provides a very customer-centric service. They also offer a remarkable 97-day refund policy.

Why choose DreamHost:

  • Wide variety of hosting services
  • 97-day money-back guarantee
  • Unlimited storage
  • Easy-to-use control panel
  • 100% uptime guarantee
  • 24/7 support


5. Hostinger

Hostinger home page

Hostinger attracts those on a budget without compromising on top-quality features, providing extremely competitive hosting plans. Offering some of the lowest prices in the industry, Hostinger doesn't skimp on performance, delivering 99.9% uptime, 24/7/365 chat support, and a powerful, user-friendly control panel. 

Why choose Hostinger:

  • Free Domain
  • Free Website Migration
  • Increased Performance
  • On-demand backup
  • Free SSL
  • Free CDN
  • No-code website builder
  • Enhanced DDoS Protection


6. Pagely

Pagely Managed WordPress Hosting Solution Homepage

Pagely is a Managed WordPress hosting provider offering top-tier hosting solutions for Enterprise, the Public Sector, and Media companies. Their robust managed hosting service features multi-region redundancy, an enhanced SLA, and personalized technical account management – all powered by the global AWS cloud.

Why Choose Pagely:

  • Grade Managed WordPress HostingEnterprise-
  • Security - sets of comprehensive proactive and reactive measures at each level of the technology stack to ensure maximum security of your data and applications
  • Customer Support - 24/7 support, live chat, slack channel
  • Scalability - built to handle traffic spikes and growth
  • Developer Friendly - Provides tools and features developers love
  • High Performance - servers optimized for WordPress performance
  • Uptime guarantee - 99.9% 



Navigating through the vast ocean of hosting providers might seem daunting.

But if there’s one thing you should remember from this article, it would be:

The right hosting provider isn’t just a storage space for your website; it’s a pivotal partner in your site’s growth and user experience. 

You can’t cut corners regarding your hosting and expect to compensate by installing tons of plugins. 

So, take your time, do your research, and find the best provider to enable your business to perform, grow, and scale. 

Niko Kaleev
Web Performance Geek

Niko has 5+ years of experience turning those “it’s too technical for me” topics into “I can’t believe I get it” content pieces. He specializes in dissecting nuanced topics like Core Web Vitals, web performance metrics, and site speed optimization techniques. When he’s taking a breather from researching his next content piece, you’ll find him deep into the latest performance news.