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24/7 Support Coverage: How We Improved Our Support in 2022

Last updated on Feb 7th, 2024 | 6 min

We’re now offering 24/7 premium support for all our paid subscribers! 

Important: The latest addition to NitroPack’s offering is not related to pricing changes. All current users on premium plans can rely on round-the-clock support with no additional fees to be applied

From all the groundbreaking features that we added to NitroPack throughout the years, this one feels truly special because it’s the end result of more than 12 months of hard work. 

Being able to assist you 24/7 is something we worked on for so long, and the fact that it’s now true seems almost unreal. 

But that wasn’t always the case. 

Let’s see how we got here. 

Growing Pains

Coming out of our Black Friday campaign in 2020, we experienced tremendous growth in the number of active websites and NitroPack users. 

In the next six months, the number of active websites that NitroPack optimizes grew from more than 16K in November 2020 to more than 66K in May 2021. 

Acitve Websites Timeline

We found ourselves in a position where our support department was a team of 7, and we simply couldn’t handle all the tickets in the fastest manner. 

Unsurprisingly, that led to our TrustPilot rating going down to 2.9 at one point:

Average TrustPilot Rating

And the main reason for that was our slow response times:

Bad Feedback

Before moving on, there is something vital that we believe is worth mentioning. 

There aren’t enough words to describe how grateful we are for the team of people that stayed behind NitroPack in those challenging times. They were and still are the backbone of our company, and thanks to them, we were able to grow and build our support team to what it is today. 

Last but not least, we appreciate all the customers that kept supporting NitroPack. The 24/7 support coverage is for you.

Investing in The Most Valuable Asset: People 

We knew that everything would come into place once we grew our support team.

And that’s what we did. 

By the end of 2021, we managed to grow the number of NitroPack support specialists by 3.5 times. 

From 7 people in May 2021, the support team grew to 20 people in December 2021. And it never stopped growing.

Our customers felt the expansion immediately:

Excellent feedback 1

Excellent Feedback 2

Excellent Feedback

In 12 months, we managed to improve our TrustPilot rating from average to excellent:

Excellent TrustPilot Rating

If we need to transform the positive feedback and excellent rating into real numbers, the work of our support team will look like that:

  • Decreasing the average response time from 53 hours to 27 minutes.
  • Boosting the customer satisfaction rate from 75% to 94%.

Truly spectacular improvements! 

And if there is one person that could summarize the evolution of our support team, our Head of Support is the perfect man to do it:

“If 2021 can be described with just a few words, I would pick "the perfect storm" - these are the darkest in the beginning but with a calm ending. We started the year under a lot of pressure due to the numerous tickets that we weren’t able to handle in the fastest manner. Understandably, our customers wanted the full benefit of a successful and fast-growing product that solves a global problem - website speed and optimization. Then again, we ended up being the product in our field that offers top-notch service in terms of support inquiries. From CEOs of large enterprises and agencies to newly created website owners, from developers to non-technical people - we quickly and efficiently provide the necessary information. Nowadays, the Support team at NitroPack stands for virtue and integrity. We are constantly looking for new approaches to take our service to the next level and show our partners we truly are the one and only website optimization tool.” - Todor Nikolov, Head of Support.  

The Cherry on Top: 24/7 Support Coverage

It would have been easy for us to get complacent with all the results we achieved in 2021. 

We could have continued growing our team, getting positive feedback, and working on achieving the perfect TrustPilot rating. 

We’re still aiming for all of these things. Make no mistake about it.

But during our annual planning at the beginning of 2022, one question was bothering us - how can we further improve our support service to bring even more value to our customers?

The answer:

24/7 support coverage! 

Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide trust NitroPack with their sites’ performance. To ensure that we are always there for them, we had to step up our game and include 24/7 coverage for all our paid plans. 

“This will provide a more convenient service for all of our customers with faster response times from our Support team, ensuring that all questions are answered efficiently and in a timely manner.” - Marina Todorova, Technical Support Team Lead

It’s safe to say that our support service has come a long way. There have been a lot of ups and downs throughout the years, but when your sole mission is to serve your customers in the best way possible, things eventually fall into place. 

But we’re definitely not stopping here. 

NitroPack is an ever-evolving service, and we got a lot of other enhancements that are waiting to be announced. 

So stay tuned! 

And if you have ever wondered whether now is the right time to upgrade to a paid plan, take the 24/7 support coverage as a sign! 

Upgrade your subscription

Niko Kaleev
Web Performance Geek

Niko has 5+ years of experience turning those “it’s too technical for me” topics into “I can’t believe I get it” content pieces. He specializes in dissecting nuanced topics like Core Web Vitals, web performance metrics, and site speed optimization techniques. When he’s taking a breather from researching his next content piece, you’ll find him deep into the latest performance news.